A wide range of expressions for Gamay and Chardonnay grape varieties
The richness of the vineyard's terroirs offers an extraordinary range of fragrances for the two grape varieties grown by the Château: Gamay and Chardonnay.
Gamay, a black grape variety with white juice, is characteristic and emblematic of Beaujolais wines: virtually all the Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Village red and rosé wines, as well as the 10 appellation wines, are made with this single grape variety.
The raison for this is simple: Gamay expresses itself most intensely when grown on the Beaujolais terroirs. Particularly sensitive to variations in the soil in which it is grown, it elegantly delivers the whole range of its expressions through the numerous appellations of the wine-growing area.
Naturally fruity and elegant, it produces wines with floral notes and rounded tannin.
Chardonnay, a white grape variety native to Burgundy, finds a new way of expressing itself in the granite terroirs of north Beaujolais. Its lovely golden bunches produce wines with aromas of white flowers, white-fleshed fruit and honey. Its natural acidity, transcended by the minerality of the soil, also reveals some notes of citrus fruit.